Now all of you can Google my opinion, without me having to text long messages!
Keep in mind firstly, that this is my colour choice (and all artists have different preferences even though they use the same basic colour principles), and then secondly that this post is more relevant for South-Africans living close to Jimnettes Art Shop ( .
Shopping for art supplies can be a daunting task, it is thus important to remember that quality has no true price tag. I would recommend using Windsor and Newton or Daler Rowney Heavy Body* Acrylic and avoiding cheap studen paints. Lucas also has acceptable acrylic paints, but be aware that some tubes are made up of weaker pigment choices, for example their student Burnt Sienna is just not bright and transparent enough. Working with high quality paints results in much less frustration, and overall better quality results.
*Heavy Body Acrylic paint is important because when Acrylic paint dries, it shrinks 20% and loses density.
1. Your primary school teacher lied to you, please buy double primary colours.
Daler Rowney | Heavy Body Acrylic : Cadmium Yellow Deep, Lemon Yellow, Cadmium Red (hue), Crimson, Ultramarine, Coeruleum Blue (hue).
2. Earth Colours - paintings need earth colours. An overly bright painting can be overwhelming or even KITCH.
Quinacridone Burnt Orange is what makes painting with Acrylic worth it. It's a bit more expensive but an absolute must on the palette of any acrylic painter - beginner or professional.
Daler Rowney | Heavy Body Acrylic : Yellow Ochre, Burnt Umber, Raw Umber, Payne's Grey, Quinacridone Burnt Orange (CRYLA - Artists' Quality)
3. Buy the biggest tube (or bottel) of white that you can find. it will not go to waste.
4. If, at the end of this rather expensive but delightful shopping list, you still have a bit of cash to spend, do indulge in these...
Daler Rowney | Heavy Body Acrylic : Sap Green, Phthalo Turquoise (CRYLA - Artists' Quality), Quinacridone Deep Purple (CRYLA - Artists' Quality), Buff Titanium, Cobalt Blue (Hue)